Hair Transplant

Regain your lost glory by the
Best Hair Transplant in Lahore, Pakistan.

Do you know up to 100 hairs shed per day? Hair loss is a normal part of life, but it becomes problematic when you start losing hair enough for
ten people every day, which understandably becomes a nightmare for you. As it affects your aesthetic appearance, it can cause immense
psychological stress; in fact, loss of unwanted hair is said to be comparable to bereavement. At Cosmeticoplasty, we pride ourselves on
providing the best hair transplant in Lahore, in order to fulfill your personalized, individual needs to complement your features so that
you can get back your peace of mind.

Get your hair transplant in Lahore, Pakistan,
today and do something timely for your Hair loss disorders.

We use the term alopecia or baldness for all types of excessive hair loss from your head or body, but most commonly, it refers to the hair loss
on your head. Different types of alopecia indicate different hair loss patterns and causes. At Cosmeticoplasty, we are well equipped to provide
result-oriented hair transplant in Lahore for all types of hair loss.

We divide hair loss disorders into three classes;

hair transplant in Lahore, Pakistan

1. Cicatricial (scarring) alopecia

In scarring alopecia, your hair follicles are permanently destroyed
and are replaced by scar tissue as a result of inflammation. We
further divide it into primary and secondary classes.
In primary Cicatricial alopecia, damage to your follicles occurs as a
result of connective tissue disorders such as lupus erythematosus.
In secondary scarring alopecia, traumatic burns or accidents can
cause indirect destruction of your follicles. At Cosmeticoplasty, you
are in the good hands of our hair transplant specialist, who will make
sure to replace your damaged hair follicles to promote the growth
and development of your hair and provide you the best hair
transplant in Lahore, Pakistan.

2. Non-scarring alopecia

Non-scarring alopecia refers to hair loss without any scar formation;
you can have this as a result of hormonal imbalance, genetics,
environmental factors, stress, poor nutrition, etc. we further divide it
into the following categories;

Androgenetic Alopecia

The most commonly occurring type of hair loss is androgenetic alopecia in both men and women that causes thinning of scalp hair. Widely
known as male pattern baldness or female pattern baldness causing receding hairline in men leading to baldness, and in women, it causes
overall thinning of hair. Increase dihydrotestosterone level, and various other genetic and environmental factors are responsible
for androgenetic alopecia.

Autoimmune Disorder

In an autoimmune disorder, the immune system attacks & damage the hair follicles, leading to hair loss.

Telogen effluvium

Hair loss occurs as a consequence of emotional or physical stress, including child birth, acute or chronic illnesses, accidents, etc., as a result of shock.

Anagen effluvium

Hair loss occurring during the growing stage of the hair cycle as a consequence of cancer treatments such as radiation or an alkylating agent.

Traction alopecia

It is a form of hair loss caused by putting increased physical stress on the hair, for instance, in tight hairstyles.


It is a psychiatric disorder in which hair loss occurs as a result of excessive hair pulling.

3. Fix your Structural hair loss with the best hair transplant in Lahore Pakistan

Structural hair loss affects the shaft of your hair resulting in shaft fragility. It can be

  • Congenital (e.g., trichothiodystrophy) or Acquired
  • Bubble Hair

Follicular unit transplantation (FUT)

In this procedure, we remove a strip of hair with intact hair follicles from the back of your head then divide it into small sections. Then we proceed to implant these small sections within the tiny cuts we made in the required region to achieve natural-looking hair growth. It is a more traditional, quick, and cost-effective method.

Hair today, gone tomorrow? Not with our Procedures
today and do something timely for your Hair loss disorders.

At Cosmeticoplasty, first of all, we determine the pattern of your hair loss; it could be either diffuse or focal, then we differentiate your condition from scarring or non-scarring alopecia.

As the name suggests, in a Hair transplant, we transfer the intact hair follicles from one area, such as the back of your head, to another region that would be the balding spots. We perform it under local anesthesia, and most people can return to their normal lives within 3-5 days, but preventive measures are taken for about 1-2 weeks. Although hair loss is more commonly seen in men, our leading hair transplant specialist also provides the best hair transplant for female hair thinning and hair loss problems at minimal FUE hair transplant cost.

We use the following techniques to provide you the hair transplant in Lahore, Pakistan, for successful results;

Follicular unit Extraction (FUE)

In follicular unit extraction, we extract individual hair follicles containing 1 to 4 hairs from the back of your head through punch incisions and then implant these hair grafts in the tiny holes we made over the area that is receiving the hair transplant.

hair transplant in Lahore, Pakistan

It is a relatively new and very effective approach, and it does not leave any scars. FUE hair transplant cost depends upon the number of grafts to be transplanted. We usually perform it within a day by transplanting thousands of hair grafts in one session, but you might need more than one sitting if a larger area is being treated.

Be fair to your hair with the best
hair transplant in Lahore Pakistan

Losing hair can be stressful and exhausting; you might find you are losing your confidence as well. We understand your problem, and we say you don’t lose it! Because hair loss can be reversed so get your hair transplant in Lahore, Pakistan, to look more confident, vibrant, and positive, considering your life is as good as your mindset.

hair transplant in Lahore, Pakistan

One time cure for
your baldness

Say goodbye to all those different serums, oils, home remedies, and hair creams that are heavy on your pocket and yet yield no results. A hair transplant is a very effective and permanent solution for your hair loss and hair thinning complaints, and it won’t let you down.

hair transplant in Lahore, Pakistan

Easy Maintenance

Your new hair will not require any extra or exclusive maintenance; you won’t have to worry about buying special shampoos, creams, or serums for extra care; you can go back to using the shampoo or any hair products you like.

Minimally Invasive

You do not have to worry about having a major surgery because it is a minimally invasive procedure, and we perform under local anesthesia to restore your aesthetic appearance for a better you.

hair transplant in Lahore, Pakistan

Quick Recovery

Your new hair will not require any extra or exclusive maintenance; you won’t have to worry about buying special shampoos, creams, or serums for extra care; you can go back to using the shampoo or any hair products you like.

hair transplant in Lahore, Pakistan
hair transplant in Lahore, Pakistan

Results Guaranteed

At Cosmeticoplasty, we provide the best hair transplant procedures with guaranteed results. Hair transplant is a result-effective procedure with the highest rates of patient success and satisfaction, and we aim for nothing less than perfect for you.

hair transplant in Lahore, Pakistan

Cost Effective

Imagine doing the math for each penny you’ve spent all those years on buying hair growth products and all the money you will be spending buying such products that are not benefitting you, and you will surely appreciate this one-time investment in yourself. We provide cost-effective treatments that are long-lasting, effective, and make sure to bring life to your balding spots.

Don’t give up on your head and take your chance with hair transplant in Lahore, Pakistan.

Hair loss may occur due to a variety of reasons, including genetics, environmental factor, hormones, stress, trauma, etc., and although there is nothing you can do to change any of those factors, we can help you to change the way you look with our Hair loss treatment for female. Transplanting the hair follicles involves more of an artistic and experienced touch, so you should carefully select your doctor. Dr. Mustehsan Bashir is the only Ph.D. plastic surgeon in Pakistan, and he aims to provide you with an outcome-based hair transplant in Lahore, Pakistan, so you can enjoy life fully and without any worries.


How is the hair transplant procedure performed?

  1. Marking; First, the receiving and the donor area is marked in front of the mirror.
  2. Anesthesia; Then local anesthesia is administered
  3. Harvesting; Hair will be harvested from your donor area
  4. Graft preparation; Then hair grafts will be prepared
  5. Implantation; The last step includes the implantation of hair grafts in the bald area.

Can hair-fall occur after the hair transplant procedure?

It is completely normal and temporary in many cases for the new hair to fall out after five to six weeks. After the hair falls out, it takes another five to six weeks for hair growth to resume. You can expect half an inch of hair growth per month.

Will hair transplant surgery leave scars?

For punch grafts single stitch can close each punch site and don’t leave any noticeable scar; however, in strip graft, a small linear line scar occurs, which is concealed by the surrounding hair.

How to prepare for a hair transplant procedure?

You will be given specific instructions for your surgery, including guidelines on eating and drinking, smoking, and taking or stopping certain medicines and vitamins. If you smoke, then you will have to stop at least a week or two before the procedure as it can inhibit blood flow to the skin and interfere with healing. Following these instructions can help your surgery go more smoothly.

How long does it take to get done the hair transplant procedure?

Hair transplant procedures take anywhere between 4-8 hours, depending upon the technique used and the size of the area being treated.

How many sessions are needed for a hair transplant?

Most of the time, one session is enough to achieve the desired results; however, in case of more egregious alopecia, follow-up procedures might be needed.

Can other areas be used as donor hair for hair transplants?

In case of lack of donor scalp hair, fine caliber body hair can be utilized in addition to scalp hair. The characteristics of body hair are taken into account, and hair follicles from the beard, trunk, and extremities can be used to compensate for the inadequate amount of donor scalp hair.

Can donor hair grafts be taken from other people?

Hair transplant uses hair from your own body only due to compatibility issues. Hair restoration is not performed using another person’s hair to avoid rejection of donor’s hair and other complications.

What is the most typical cause of hair loss?

Hair loss is basically caused by a combination of;

  • Aging
  • Family history of baldness
  • Change in hormones

As a rule, the earlier your hair loss begins, the more severe your baldness will become.  

Who can consider being a good candidate for a hair transplant?

You may be a good candidate for the hair transplant if you have good hair growth on the sides and the back of your head to serve as donor areas for hair grafts. It is important to understand that all transplant techniques use your own existing hair, and other factors such as color, texture, waviness, or curliness of your hair affect the cosmetic result of your hair transplant.

What to expect during the recovery period after the hair transplant procedure?

Your recovery period depends upon the extent and complexity of your procedure. Most people are able to return to work after two to five days. Any pain, excessive tightness, or throbbing can be managed by pain medications. You may experience some bruising or swelling that will resolve in a week or two. Vigorous and strenuous activities that can increase your blood flow should be avoided for three weeks.

When can the final results of the hair transplant procedure be seen?

55% of new hair growth is noticeable after five to six months; during this time, new hair is thick and long, and the texture starts to improve. After about eight months, the hair becomes thicker and darker, and the final pattern of hair growth becomes clear. Any significant changes stop within twelve months, you can see the optimal results of your hair transplant in 12 to 18 months, and at this point, hair achieves the right density, length, and texture.

Will the transplanted hair eventually fall out?

The transplanted hair will keep growing for the rest of your life. The transfer of the hair follicle is permanent. Once the healing process is complete and the hair follicles start to grow hair to fill out the bald patches, this hair will continue to grow naturally as you get old.