Why Do We Need Rhinoplasty For Attractive Facial Features?

An inspiring personality is a crucial factor in personal, societal and professional walks of life. Facial features are always an unforgettable thing about your personality. They are not only critical in making you different from others but also directly related to confidence and self-esteem. Moreover, among all the facial organs, the nose carries a prominent place. Its placement is in the midst of the face; hence, it determines the overall symmetry and proportion of the face.

Moreover, It is a fact that your nose impression can transform your facial look. Thanks to cosmetic procedures that give you the opportunity to modify your nose. Rhinoplasty surgery is the one that can fulfil your desire to have an attractive nose. Let’s learn how we need rhinoplasty for attractive facial features.

What Happens in a Rhinoplasty Surgery?

Other names for rhinoplasty are nose reshape and nose job. Rhinoplasty is a nose surgery that reshapes, resizes, or improves the functionality of the nose. Hence, it is a cosmetic surgery that aligns the appearance of the nose with social or international standards and corrects nasal functions. Moreover, it also works for treatment in case of nasal injury or accidents. Therefore, surgeons use various techniques like grafting to manage nasal disorders. It may be done in two ways.

  • Open Rhinoplasty

In this method, surgeons fold up the skin on the nose to see the underlying structure.

  • Closed Rhinoplasty

In this method, all procedures are executed through the nostrils without incision.

A Recast of Facial Features Through Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is mainly a nose procedure. It does not directly change the facial features, but the altering of the nose significantly contributes to the reimaging of the rest of the facial organs. For instance, a large nose makes eyes appear small. Similarly, a broader nose gives a wide appearance to your face. Here is an explanation of the ways you can remodel your nose through rhinoplasty and, hence, wholly facial impressions.

Improving Nose Proportion

Nose proportion plays a pivotal role in facial harmony and symmetry. The more harmonious face appears more attractive and eye-catching. The suggested standard of nose proportion include

  • Nasal Length

Nasal length must better match other facial features. At about one-third of the vertical height of the face, the nasal length is considered ideally proportionate to the overall size of the face.

  • Nasal Width

The second critical component of nose proportion is its width. The width of the nose can entirely alter the cheeks and eye’s appearance. Research suggests that it should be approximately equal to the space between the inner corners of the eyes. Surgeons try to adjust nose width at this standard to get the best harmonious look. However, the patient’s personal preferences or desired outcomes may affect the method.

  • Bridge Shape

An aesthetically ideal nose proportion is complete with an attractive nasal bridge. Its slope needs to be moderate—not too steep or too flat. Rhinoplasty can address the bridge’s shape to get a notable nose profile.

  • Symmetry

Cosmetic surgeons do their best to make both sides of the nose symmetrical through rhinoplasty. It guarantees the same facial impression on both sides.

Refining Nasal Tip

A well-defined nose tip is essential to promote positive expressions such as a smile and an approachable facial appearance. Hence, we need rhinoplasty for attractive facial features by refining the nasal tip and, therefore, being capable of having positive expressions. The ideal placement of the tip of the nose must range from an angle of 90-120 degrees, with the upper lip for men and 95-110 degrees for women. This angle affects the profile and the overall aesthetics of the nose. However, surgeons may fix the tip at different angles according to the patient’s desired result. Moreover, rhinoplasty can address the following aspects of the nasal tip.

  • Tip Projection
  • Tip rotation
  • Tip width
  • Tip definition

Straightening the Nose

A curving or bent nose can cause significant damage to facial beauty. Hence, if you desire to have an unforgettable face, it is essential to get rid of a crooked nose. Rhinoplasty is a successful surgery for straightening the nose by correcting the deviated septum and cartilage. However, surgeons may need to make some fractures to the nasal bone to realign it and fix it in a straight position. Consequently, it proves the significance of rhinoplasty for attractive facial features.

Smoothing a Dorsal Hump

A dorsal hump or dorsal bump refers to the irregularities concerning the cartilage and bone. They cause an irregular slope of the nose, resulting in an uneven nose shape. However, rhinoplasty surgery is an ideal solution to fix the bumps and create a smooth slope. It makes the appearance of other facial organs symmetrical and inspiring.

Nostril Adjustment

It is only possible to have an aesthetically pleasing nose with symmetrical, well-sized and well-positioned nostrils. Oversized or undersized nostrils are enough to disrupt the attractiveness of the face. Rhinoplasty has evolved with numerous techniques like alar base and grafting, which help surgeons fix all nostril issues. As nostrils have a strong connection with the nasal tip and base, their adjustment results in an improvement in the overall nose look.

Personal Preferences

Undoubtedly, beauty or attractiveness is what we like. Hence, personal preference is of great importance, especially in cosmetic surgeries. Cosmetic surgeons take good care of patient’s desired outcomes. It may vary with respect to the purpose of the surgical procedure. Patients may undergo rhinoplasty for career development, personal satisfaction, or to get out of the effects of any trauma. Some preferable nose shapes include “The turned-up nose”, “The Roman shaped nose”, and “The hawk nose”.

Functional Benefits

Persistent breathing difficulties badly affect facial expressions and impact all facial features. Although rhinoplasty is a cosmetic surgical procedure aiming at an aesthetically pleasing look of the nose, it is prominently beneficial in improving nasal function. It can address the deformity and irregularity of the septum and irregularity of the nasal bone. Moreover, it can make breathing easy by fixing many medical issues concerning nasal function, such as congested nostrils. Hence, smooth breathing relaxes facial expression and consequently increases beauty.

Gender-Specific Adjustments

Sometimes, the nose shape does not match the gender better. It may create embarrassment and lower the person’s confidence level. Rhinoplasty is helpful in fulfilling gender-specific aesthetic goals. Feminine and masculine nose shape requirements may vary. For example, women may want sharp and slim noses, and males may require prominent, broad noses. Hence, in both cases, facial features will become more attractive after adjustment according to the gender specifications.


In conclusion, the face reflects the personality. An attractive personality is potentially based on facial features. Everyone usually desires Pleasing, friendly, and beautiful features. Because of its central position on the face, an attractive nose plays a crucial role in its beauty. Hence, a well-defined, beautiful nose can add a lot to your face’s impression.

Rhinoplasty is a cosmetic surgery that can modify the nose in terms of shape, size, deformity, and irregularity. It can fix the nose proportion, straighten the nose and eliminate the dorsal hump. Moreover, it is not only equivalently useful for nostril adjustments but also provides functional benefits.  All these adjustments make your facial features impressive and eye-catching. Hence, it explains the need for rhinoplasty for attractive facial features via nose modifications and corrections.