Can You Gain Weight After a Tummy Tuck? 

tummy tuck weight gain

If you have loose or hanging skin after massive weight loss or being pregnant, you may choose to obtain this surgical procedure to tighten up your abdomen. It is a fantastic method to achieve a tight, contoured abdomen. Also, it improves your aesthetic look following childbirth.

Many people who get tummy tuck surgery are curious about whether they can gain weight after tummy tuck procedure. The brief answer is yes, but the specifics are worth exploring to understand how to preserve your results. Thus, this blog will assist what happens if you gain weight after a surgical procedure and how you may get the most out of your newly shaped tummy.

Your Weight Before Having Your Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck does not result in weight loss. It removes skin and fat and works best when a patient is already near the target weight they are comfortable with. That does not always mean thin, but it means realistic and healthy. Thus, it is because there are two components to a tummy tuck.

One component is the skin and fat removal in the lower abdomen, and the other is the tightening of the belly wall. The elimination of skin and fat is simple. It is that bulge that you could grab in the lower abdomen with your hands, which can pretty much thrown away.

You are moving the intestines back into the place that they used to be when you tighten the belly muscle tissues to bring them together, which typically occurs to repair muscle separation after pregnancy. If a massive quantity of visceral fats surrounds those intestines, they will precisely push back and stretch the belly wall again.

Can You Gain Weight After Having Your Tummy Tuck?

Sometimes, after abdominoplasty, weight gain happens; therefore, if you gain a substantial quantity of weight or become pregnant after your surgical treatment, it can have an effect on the tummy tuck you have received. The skin of your belly will stretch out, and the muscular tissues underneath can become separated again. Thus, receiving another tummy tuck can fix it.

Why People May Experience Weight Gain After Surgery?

Following a tummy tuck, it is not unusual for some patients to gain weight afterward. Here are five essential reasons. Let us take a look at how.

Fluid Retention

Fear not, as this cause of weight gain will solve itself over time. During surgical procedures, intravenous fluids are given. Because of the surgical treatment and inflammation, most of that fluid is saved within the body. So, it results in a feeling of bloating, along with some swelling of the hands, feet, and above the incision. Fortunately, your body and your kidneys are smarter than your doctor, and that fluid will begin to mobilize within approximately 10 days and depart. Thus, this is normal and to be expected.

Weight Loss Drugs & Fad Diets

More and more usually, patients are turning to either fat diets or weight loss capsules to reduce their weight before surgery. Some of these choices are unsustainable adjustments to the patient’s usual way of life. Furthermore, they can not be continued through surgery, and many people can not be continued long-term either. As a result, there is frequently a rebound effect where people gain weight when they come off of these diets or pills.

Lack of Exercise

Any surgical treatment slows you down and restricts your ability to exercise, and because of this, burning fewer calories. So, almost inevitably, there may be some weight gain as the stability between “calories in” and “calories out” leans towards weight gain. So, you need to give yourself the time to recover from a tummy tuck. In particular, the first 3 weeks are crucial. If every instruction is followed and everything goes nicely within the first three weeks, you can start working sooner and return once more to your pre-op weight.

Diet Changes

You had a portion control diet, you had exercised, and you had completed everything a lot right, and now you have had a tummy tuck to put off the loose skin. You are feeling flatter than you have ever felt since earlier than childbearing. Some patients will see this as an opportunity to ditch a healthful diet and consume anything they like. Unfortunately, it is not.

Maintaining your healthy eating regimen before and after a surgical procedure is essential to maintaining your new figure. Remember, visceral fat and external fat can usually be expanded so that you have started working hard to keep it off and avoid a need for additional surgical procedures.

Inevitable Aging

As we age, our hormones alter, making it more challenging to maintain our weight. So, consider the tummy tuck not simply as a single operation but as a change in way of life. Exercise should not be overly vigorous. However, a great long walk will burn just as many calories as a quick but intensive exercise. As you age, focus on the exercise that is most practical for you, and do not set yourself back from injuries.

Some Tips For Preventing Weight Gain Following A Tummy Tuck 

If you are worried about gaining weight after your tummy tuck, here are a few things that, in addition to keeping a healthy eating regimen and exercising, permit you to keep away from putting on some more pounds:

  • Adding extra activity to your day

You can acquire plenty of extra passive exercise by adding more activity to your day. Instead of ordering food or items, you may go to the store. Or, you could take the stairs in place of the elevator.

  • Cook at home

When you prepare dinner at home, you know what things you will put in your meals, so it is easy to make healthy selections. Moreover, you can also control your portions.

  • Practice self-care

Good mental health is essential. It supports the maintenance of a healthy weight. As a result, writing, therapy, meditation, and other mental health practices can improve your physical and mental health.

Closing Remarks!

It is possible to gain weight after a tummy tuck, but the good news is that retaining your results is achievable with a balanced lifestyle. It means ingesting and drinking healthfully, getting a workout, and keeping an eye on your recovery. The surgical procedure effectively removes fat cells, and maintaining your new shape depends on your commitment to healthy habits. By prioritizing, you could keep the flat, toned tummy you worked hard to achieve. Moreover, avoid heavy smoking and drinking, and let your doctor know if there are any headaches. Remember, your tummy tuck surgery is an investment in yourself, and with the appropriate habits, you could experience the blessings for future years.