The important reasons that urge you to invest in Liposuction

The important reasons that urge you to invest in Liposuction

Plastic surgery is the particular type of surgery that deals with reconstructing body tissues to improve their function and appearance. It might be reconstructive surgery or cosmetic surgery. Cosmetic surgery is a specific procedure concerned with enhancing the beauty or appearance of the body. It targets particular body areas. It accompanied both surgical and non-surgical procedures. The surgical procedure includes Liposuctionbreast augmentationfacelift, and tummy tuck. To Invest in Liposuction as it is the weight-loss process done with cosmetic surgery.

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Liposuction | Contour your Body

The liposuction technique is designed to contour your body and give it a proper shape by eliminating excess fat and improving its proportion. It is the most revolutionized procedure done by the best cosmetic surgeon in Lahore. Liposuction usually targets the body areas include the abdomen, waist, upper arms, neck, breast, cheeks, chin, hips, thighs, calves, and ankles. Liposuction has the following technique performed with a different procedure by the best cosmetic surgeon in Lahore.

Suction-assisted Liposuction

In this process cannula, a small thin tube is inserted in the targeted area with a small cut, and extra body fat and fluid are taken away with a suction pump.

Tumescent Liposuction

The cosmetic surgeon injects a tumescent solution into the skin layer to digest the fat deposits. This solution contains anesthesia and a vasoconctractor.

Power-assisted Liposuction (PAL)

It is the less time-consuming liposuction technique in which the cannula is moved backward and forward rapidly to take out the extra body fat.

Ultrasound-assisted Liposuction (UAL)

This cosmetic surgery procedure is done with a metal rod inserted in the body, emitting ultrasonic waves to break the larger fat tissues into small cells.

Laser-assisted Liposuction (LAL)

A high-intensity laser fiber is inserted into the body that emits radiations to emulsify the fat stored in the skin. This LAL technique offers you the best liposuction results.

Liposuction can also be used to perform some specific medical conditions such as;

Lipodystrophy Syndrom:

It is the uneven distribution of fat in the body. The cosmetic surgery of Liposuction removes this fat.


These are benign tumors of fat and can be treated wisely with Liposuction.

Axillary hyperhidrosis:

It is the condition of excessive sweating. The cosmetic surgery of the subcutaneous liposuction process gets you rid of this problem.


It is a principally male breast reduction surgery. Liposuction removes extra fat deposits from the chest and gives it an attractive shape.

Say no to Obesity and Get a Perfect Physique

Everyone deserves a perfect physique, so say no to obesity and get rid of stubborn fat with Liposuction through the services of the best cosmetic surgeon in Lahore.