Should I choose Breast Augmentation or Breast Lift surgery?

Indeed, the trend of cosmetic surgeries is continuously on the rise, and the topmost standard procedures include nose reshaping, eyelid surgery, facelift, liposuction, and breasts uplift. Rhinoplasty is the most common procedure among men, whereas breast uplifts are the most popular procedure among women worldwide. However, if you face discontent with your look, and wish to improve your self-esteem by boosting your femininity, the best breast uplift surgery or breast augmentation would be your curiosity. It is essential to acknowledge that the terms breast augmentation and breast uplift adapt interchangeably, which is entirely incorrect. Hence, we shall discuss whether you should choose breast augmentation or breast lift surgery.

What is breast augmentation?

Looking for breast augmentation surgery means you need breast tightening surgery in Pakistan. It is entirely different from breast uplift surgery as it targets the shape and size of the breasts rather than its position. The main reasons one may opt for breast augmentation in Lahore include the following;

• Saggy skin
• Enhancement of breast sizes
• Correction of the asymmetrical breasts
• Better feminine curvaceous silhouette
• Restoration of breast fullness especially breastfeeding and pregnancy
To achieve the desired breast sizes, the surgeon inserts the silicone or saline implants under the breast muscles or tissues during the augmentation mammoplasty. Therefore, the implant shape and size may vary. Furthermore, the surgery may take 1 to 2 hours under general anesthesia.

 What is a breast lift?

Before choosing breast augmentation as your desired procedure, you must know that breast lift surgery is the best choice if you want to do away with saggy skin; saggy or droopy skin is a common problem among aging women and women who go through childbearing or excessive weight loss. Other issues it addresses include the outstretched or elongated nipples, downward-pointing nipples, lack of breast firmness.

Notably, breast lift surgery can help you restore the appealing youthful feminine shape. However, it does not add to the volume.

 How does it work?


Here we discuss the working principle of both the cosmetic procedures.

If you choose breast augmentation to regain your youthful look, you will come across various options. For breast tightening surgery, you can choose from the different types, sizes, shapes, the position of the implant. In addition, you can choose between saline and silicone implants. However, this choice between implants is only available for candidates equal to or more than 22 years old because the best plastic surgeon does not allow silicone implants for people under 22. Furthermore, other sizes and shapes are available, such as gummy bear, round, textured, and smooth. In the end, it all depends upon your final expectation of the procedure.

For breast lift surgery, the best plastic surgeon chooses the best suitable technique for you based on the shape, size and any unique characteristics of your breasts. Later on, the plastic surgeon makes the incision either around a darker area (Areolae), horizontally on the verge of creases, or down towards the breast creases. Then, he removes the excess skin restore the firmness by reshaping the tissue. Hence, the top-notch plastic surgeon in Lahore helps you restore the youthful shape of your breasts.

Recovery after the breast augmentation and breast lift surgery

seamless progressive surgery can always and only ensure by the plastic surgeon. However, if you choose breast augmentation, the recovery period ranges from six months for the breast tightening surgery. During recovery, you may feel dizziness as an after effect of the anesthesia. Therefore, the surgeon may prescribe you some painkillers to deal with post-surgery pain. Furthermore, drainage tubes may be attached to drain the excess blood and fluid. Otherwise, mostly you can go home on the same day, and you may continue your routine tasks within 5 to 6 weeks after the surgery. Based on the type of sutures, the best plastic surgeon usually recommends using a surgical bra.

On the other hand, if you have had the best breast lift surgery, the recovery procedure differs only in the type of sutures. Mostly, the surgeons use dissolvable sutures. You can discharge from the treatment centre and go home on the same day. However, the patient must avoid strenuous activities such as playing tennis or badminton for at least 4 to 6 weeks after the surgery.

How natural are the results?

It may appear perfectly natural if you choose the best breast lift surgery and breast augmentation surgery. Breast lift surgery gives you the most natural results compared to breast augmentation. Indeed, the surgery rejuvenates the breasts firmness without making much difference to the breast tissues. This is because no external tissues such as implants are adopted.

Undoubtedly, dramatic results expect from breast augmentation surgery. However, some implants, such as gummy bear implants, can give natural results. Moreover, the results would also depend upon the position and size of the implant. In the end, you must discuss with the plastic surgeon about your expectations from the surgery.

How long-lasting are the results?

If you choose breast augmentation, the result will last about 10 to 20 years. Importantly, breast implants do not come with an expiration date. However, you will only need to replace the implant if any implant rupture deflates. In addition, if you have the best breast augmentation surgery, primarily the surgeon uses the best durable implants. On the other hand, breast lift surgery is also a durable solution for your saggy breasts. Notably, childbirth and weight changes may harm the results. Furthermore, gravity would also play some role. However, one can easily maintain their results by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, such as strengthening their chest muscles.

In the end, the decision to choose breast augmentation over breast lift surgery depends upon the conditions you wish to improve or enhance and your expectations of the surgery. In some cases, people also choose to combine breast augmentation and breast lift surgery because breast lift may result in a mild reduction of breast size.