Four steps to prepare for male breast reduction | Gynecomastia surgery

Gynecomastia, or the enlarged male breast tissue, is a prevalent ailment that affects as many as 70% of all men at some point in their life. This is a transitory condition caused by puberty or inadequate food and activity for many men. For others, gynecomastia is a persistent problem that can only be treated with surgery. Here is all you need to know about how to prepare for male breast reduction surgery.

What is gynecomastia surgery?

Gynecomastia surgery, often known as male breast reduction, removes extra fat and troublesome glandular tissue from the chest. It can also make the areolas and nipples smaller. In addition, the surgery aims to make the chest appear flatter, firmer, and more classically masculine.

Gynecomastia can be developed by various factors, including the use of certain drugs, hormonal imbalances, and unhealthy habits. The issue can affect men of any age, and surgery can be performed successfully on both teenagers and adults.

Why should men consider male breast reduction or gynecomastia surgery?

Male breast reduction is not medically necessary. On the other hand, most men with gynecomastia are concerned to some degree by the appearance of their chest. When a patient’s chest look is more important than recovery from surgery, a male breast reduction is generally a smart option.

However, men mustn’t automatically rush to surgery. Nonsurgical therapies may be equally effective depending on the root of the problem. In some men, diet, exercise, avoiding certain drugs, and quitting smoking can help them lose excess male breast tissue. When none of these approaches work, surgery may be considered.


How to Get Ready for a Male Breast Reduction

If gynecomastia surgery is the right approach for you, understanding how to prepare for male breast reduction surgery is the next step. While your plastic surgeon needs to be your guide, there are four steps that any guy considering a breast reduction should follow.

Decide what you want from the surgery

While a decrease in breast tissue will be the primary goal, you may also choose to address other concerns during the procedure. Removing extra skin, relocating the nipples, and lowering the size of the areolas and nipples are all common concerns. If you have any other aesthetic problems, you may want to schedule other operations simultaneously.

Furthermore, there are other methods for reducing breast tissue. For example, in a male breast reduction, liposuction, gland removal, skin removal, and tissue removal are all options

Choose the best plastic surgeon for your gynecomastia surgery

Selecting a board-certified plastic surgeon is crucial in preparing for gynecomastia surgery. As the popularity of male breast reduction grows, more doctors are offering it. However, not all providers are certified, and some may lack the necessary competence to execute the treatment.

To cut down your options, search for a surgeon who can accomplish the following:

  • Are they board-certified?
  • Has a thorough understanding of the causes of gynecomastia.
  • Before and after pictures of past male breast reduction patients are available.
  • Has conducted several male breast reduction procedures and is familiar with the techniques required for your procedure.

Keep in mind that while breast reduction is more popular in women, it is not the same operation. Look for cosmetic surgeons that specialize in reducing breast tissue in males and reshaping the chest to make it manlier.

Make lifestyle adjustments

It’s possible that your gynecomastia has nothing to do with your lifestyle choices. However, the problem can reoccur if you don’t make the appropriate lifestyle choices after surgery. As part of your surgical preparation, you should begin making changes to ensure that you are as healthy as possible before the procedure and that your outcomes are maintained thereafter.

It would help if you made the following lifestyle changes:

  • Increasing the amount of vegetables and fruits consumed
  • Sugar consumption reduction
  • Cutting back on alcohol consumption
  • Regular activity, especially cardiovascular exercises
  • Taking hormonal supplements or steroids is not recommended.
  • Tobacco or marijuana products are not to be consumed.

Prepare for the period of recovery

The difficult part of the surgery is the recovery period, when you must rest, heal, and recover. Make plans to take off from work and rest. Ask friends and relatives to assist you with chores around the house, such as cooking and cleaning, for the first few days after surgery.

You will almost certainly require assistance with the following tasks:

  • Getting picked up from the hospital and driven home
  • During your first 48 hours at home, move around the house.
  • Shopping for groceries
  • Laundry
  • Washing dishes

Your gynecomastia surgery should go easily if you prepare properly. To get started, speak with a board-certified plastic surgeon.