Gynecomastia is also known as “man boobs,” a downright crude term. On average, people admit that it is a rare condition. But in fact, the excess breast tissue that appears as female-like breasts occurs in over half of the male population. Depending upon the severity of the condition, there are different grades of gynecomastia, and this condition appears in infants, pubescents, and older males.
Treating enlarged male breasts with gynecomastia surgery is the only effective solution. In many males, the condition resolves on its own. But if the condition persists, it leads to diminished self-esteem, and it has only one cure: gynecomastia surgery.
Causes of enlarged male breasts
The cause of gynecomastia is usually an imbalance between the male and female hormones, testosterone and estrogen.
Other causes of gynecomastia include:
- Use of illicit and prescription drugs
- Steroid abuse
- Anti-androgens
- AIDS medication
- Alcohol
- Aging
- Hypogonadism
- Hyperthyroidism
- Liver Failure
- Tumors
- Malnutrition
Gynecomastia presents itself differently in every individual who experiences this condition. Some men have minor cases of gynecomastia, and others have severe cases of gynecomastia that resembles female breasts. Scientists have designed a grading system to help diagnose gynecomastia in men. This grading system of diagnosis helps in determining the proper course for treatment.
Types and Grades of gynecomastia:
Grade 1 of gynecomastia
Grade 1 is the minor type of gynecomastia in which a slight breast growth sticks out from the chest. Most of the time, this type of gynecomastia is not noticeable in clothes, while others may have breasts that show through clothing. Asymmetrical breasts may also be present in men, where one breast is larger than the other. Breast reduction surgery or gynecomastia surgery can be a permanent solution when the breast growth persists for a long time.
For grade one gynecomastia, surgical treatment tends to have very successful outcomes. Surgery may also resolve the psychological issues in most cases of gynecomastia.
Grade 2 of gynecomastia
Grade 2 gynecomastia is a moderate form of breast enlargement and is usually categorized by breast growth that expands broadly across the chest. This moderate form of gynecomastia tends to stop at the width of the chest and does not expand further. In grade 2 gynecomastia, male breasts are large enough to be noticeable through t-shirts. Moreover, type 2 gynecomastia can contribute to psychological and social issues. The best treatment for this type of gynecomastia is breast reduction surgery.
This surgery consists of liposuction and mastectomy to remove the excess fat. As with type one, the surgery of type two gynecomastia has successful outcomes.
Grade 3 of gynecomastia
Grade three gynecomastia is also considered a moderate form, and individuals with type have significant breast enlargement. Patients with grade three gynecomastia also have breast tissue that expands and swells beyond the chest’s width. The manifestation of breast enlargement is very noticeable even when clothed. Surgery is the only effective way to treat this condition. After the surgery, individuals can have their life back and have a masculine chest that boosts their confidence.
Grade 4 of gynecomastia
Males with grade four of gynecomastia have severe breast enlargement and substantial extra skin. Their breasts are evident and can look like female breasts. So, gynecomastia surgery is the only effective treatment and can reduce the breasts to a normal contour.
Factors for different grades of gynecomastia
Imbalance hormones, use of illicit drugs, and use of anabolic steroids are just a few of the causes that lead to gynecomastia. Many other factors contribute to the manifestation of this condition and can determine the severity of gynecomastia.
Such as:
Age factor
In older males, the skin has less amount of collagen and elastin. The skin can begin to break down without these elements, leading to sagging on the chest and around it. So, aging adds to breast enlargement, which has the potential to the gynecomastia grade.
The genotype of the individual
Gynecomastia can be due to genetic factors. The severity of the condition may vary in each individual in the family, but gynecomastia can affect more than one member of the same family. If one family member has it, it’s likely to appear in other members too. The best way to treat the enlarged male breast is to have gynecomastia surgery.
Weight gain
Male and female breasts are made up of fatty tissue. The more a person gains weight, the larger their chest can become. Gynecomastia can be more prominent even if you gain a slight amount of weight. In case of severe weight gain, the skin may lose the elasticity required to bounce back, even after losing the extra weight. This can cause permanent skin sagging, which only surgical procedures can treat.
Sun exposure
Extreme sun exposure can sap the skin of vital compounds such as elastin and collagen. The overabundance of sunlight can result in not only a leathery appearance of the skin but also the ultraviolet light can break down the skin cells over time. This can worsen the symptoms of gynecomastia and lead to a more significant amount of sagging.
Furthermore, a successful gynecomastia surgery involves skin contraction after the breast tissue is surgically removed. For gynecomastia surgery, you must have skin elasticity. Individuals at risk for poor skin contraction are fifty and older or have significant sun damage, among other factors. Furthermore, sun exposure can hinder recovery after gynecomastia surgery.
Diagnosis of gynecomastia
An experienced and professional cosmetic surgeon like Dr. Mustehsan Bashir can diagnose gynecomastia after a physical exam. Usually, when you visit a gynecomastia surgeon, he gives an accurate diagnosis after a physical exam and medical history review. The surgeon also does a physical exam to rule out breast cancer and diagnose the grade of gynecomastia. In breast exams, the surgeon looks for a rubbery and firm disk of tissue. This mass is present directly beneath the nipple. The surgeon will know that gynecomastia is the cause of male breast growth when the mass under the areola is easily moveable.
During the exam, the surgeon may come across pseudo-gynecomastia. For example, fatty breast tissue may look like gynecomastia. Breast cancer is not as common in men as it is in women, but it can also occur in men. If doctors find enlarged breasts paired with firm nodules under the skin, they order a biopsy to rule out a breast tumor. Also, an abscess in the breast tissue may look like gynecomastia but is an infection.
Some medications, supplements, and herbal remedies may also lead to gynecomastia effects. Some health conditions are the underlying cause of male breast growth problems. The patients may need a mammogram or breast ultrasound to rule out breast cancer and blood work for other health conditions, including hormone imbalance.
Treatment of gynecomastia
Gynecomastia treatment varies depending upon the causes and grades of gynecomastia and the patient’s age. Adolescents may be told to wait to know if the condition will subside with time. Even adult men may be said to stop taking medicines or change their lifestyle to see if the breast growth shrinks without treatment.
If the only treatment option for the patient is surgery, male breast reduction, and liposuction are the most common procedures that correct gynecomastia. So, improve your quality of life with surgical procedures because these procedures are the best solution for all grades of gynecomastia.
Male breast reduction surgery
Male breast reduction surgery is an effective treatment of gynecomastia. This surgical procedure is cosmetic and designed to remove extra fat and glandular tissue that may exist under the skin. After the surgery, the patient will have a flatter chest with a masculine shape.
A combination of glandular tissue and excess fat is the cause of male breast growth. Breast reduction surgery removes the glandular tissue that is present under the nipples. For extra fat, the surgical technique that is commonly used is liposuction. Liposuction can be done alone or in combination with breast reduction surgery, depending upon the severity of the condition.
In liposuction, for the correction of gynecomastia, local anesthesia or general anesthesia is given to the patient depending upon the severity of the condition. The surgeons insert a thin tube known as a cannula to suction out the fat through small cuts. So, by suctioning away the excess fat, cosmetic surgeons give the chest a more masculine and natural shape.
Recovery after the gynecomastia surgery
The recovery process after gynecomastia surgery and liposuction is somewhat similar. So after both types of procedures, you will experience soreness and swelling near the treatment site for a few weeks. Doctors may advise you to wear compression garments for a week or more to reduce swelling and improve circulation, which speeds up the healing process. After the surgery, you may return to work in a week and return to exercising within two weeks.
Gynecomastia surgery cost at Cosmeticoplasty
fearing from gynecomastia or thinking you have the symptoms, schedule a consultation with Dr. Mustehsan Bashir at Cosmeticoplasty. A sit-down meeting with our experienced surgeon can help you determine whether the gynecomastia surgery will help you. And if you have this condition, our surgeon can guide you about your gynecomastia grade. As different grades of gynecomastia require different treatment plans. Cosmeticoplasty offers the best and most affordable gynecomastia surgery in Lahore. Due to its skilled surgeons and highly trained staff, Cosmeticoplasty provides the best affordable gynecomastia treatment in Pakistan.